5 Travel Tips To Keep You Safe

1. Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to the people around you and trust your gut.  If you notice someone following you, looking at you a little too much, or standing a little too close to you,  let them know you see them and then try to move to a different location.  

Predators usually won't try anything if they know you suspect them.  Stay where there are other people but not so many that you blend in with the crowd.  

2. Plan ahead

Being spontaneous and going with the wind can be fun and exciting but can put you in risky and potentially dangerous situations.

Always have a travel companion and plan your transportation and overnight accommodations beforehand. 

3. Keep money in a zippered pocket

This also goes for your phone and important documents such as drivers license, passport, hotel information, etc.  This makes it much harder for pick-pocketers to get their hand in your purse or pocket and will deter them from trying.  

It will also prevent these items from falling out by accident as well.

4. Use a purse that goes across your body or a backpack

Somehow secure your purse or bag to your body.  Thieves won't try to take it off your body if it looks too difficult, they'll take it if its just thrown over your shoulder, or if you set it down on a table or bench somewhere.

Zippered bags deter thieves the most because they are almost impossible to get into without anyone noticing or stopping them.

5. If driving a car or RV, make sure you always have at least a half or quarter tank of gas, and a paper map.

Worst case scenario: you run out of gas in an unfamiliar part of town or in the middle of nowhere and run into trouble with other people or animals and cannot drive away.  Keep an eye on that gas guage!

I know, I know, we all have maps and GPS on our phones, but that won't do you any good if you lose service, run out of battery or have your phone stolen.  Paper maps will help you find your way back to safety even when your phone lets you down.

RV Travel Tip:  Know the roads

If you're in a heavy vehicle such as an RV, make sure you know the roads you will be traveling on.  Steep grades, sharp curves, and narrow roads are all things you'll wish you knew about ahead of time.  Download this Mountain Road Directory to make sure you don't end up off the road or in a dangerous situation in your RV.  Also pay attention to steep grade and "S" curve signs as you go.

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Outdoor Association of Northeastern U.S.


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